Friday, February 5, 2016

Am I Really Pregnant?

I have always heard about people eating,flying,fighting and even having sex with strange people in their dreams but my life changed two weeks ago after i realized my period is two months late.

I have hid this story from everyone including my friends and my boyfriend too, I never saw it as something so serious but now i think i might be in trouble.

I slept very late on a Friday evening after attending a traditional wedding of a friend in November, woke up early Saturday morning and still felt hung over as a result of the strong alcohol i took with some friends the previous evening at the wedding...I slept back and had a really scary dream, where I had a short sexual intercourse with a strange man..I woke up feeling spent and tired but i spoke to no one about it because i felt it will amount to nothing but its two months now and am yet to see my period, I haven't had sex with my boyfriend since he hasn't been around for a while. Am so scared of going for a test and I don't even know how to tell my boyfriend about it.

Is there a possibility that am pregnant after that strange encounter?

Am really confused, what do I do about this...its really freaking me out..

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