Sunday, January 10, 2016

Why You Need To Read

I've been thinking of what it'll really cost a man to be great in life...then i realized its all about mindset..
 everyone wants to be great in life and we all want to be the best in our different fields.. but the question is...

How much are you willing to Invest on your mind? in order to position it for greatness..what sacrifice are u willing to pay for it?

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”
You are always going to be a product of what you Read, watch and listen to daily.
You think Reading ain't necessary?

Then I'll suggest you also think of greatness as not being necessary either.
who do you want to be? what identity do you want for yourself? its important you have answers to these questions because the answers will give you direction in Life.

A musician - You can never write breathtaking lyrics if you don't read..
Movie star - You have to be a good reader for you to get acquainted to your scripts..
Dancer - You need to read, be innovative, be Creative.. Be different.

"we need to spend more on books than we do for chewing gums"..
“Reading takes us away from home, but more important, it finds homes for us everywhere.”- Hazel Rochma.

2Tim 2:15 - Study to get your self approved

Who ever told you Reading ain't important is quietly digging a grave for your dream..
"You're Just a Page Away from Your dream"

I challenge you to read more.. till you become so Expensive!

Remember this, "People are rewarded in public for what they have spent years practicing in private"
 You'll only be rewarded for your value and worth..but you can never be rewarded if you're not sure of your own value and worth..

Stress yourself daily...daily... You can only get Better!

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