Friday, December 25, 2015

British Couple Travels 3 days on Foot while Traveling For Christmas After Surviving Shipwreck

British Couple Travels 3 days on Foot While Traveling For Christmas After Surviving Shipwreck

This backpacking couple had a miracle escape when the boat they were traveling on sank in the middle of savage shark-infested waters, leaving them stranded for three days. 

They were crossing from Colombia to Panama to avoid the threat of kidnapping on the roads with 18 other people - and the captain’s four cats - when he fell asleep and putting the boat on autopilot.
In the middle of the night the ship smashed into coral reef sending water gushing over Mr and Mrs Tryon’s heads.

They ran up to the top deck in the horror incident on Sunday and found fellow holidaymakers in the other side of the Catermeran boat chest deep in water.

Mrs Tryon, 30, from Newcastle, told “Things started to float around, the lights went out and then the captain said we had 10 minutes before the boat would completely sink.

“Then we realised this was unrecoverable. The life raft had already detached. There was panic. We grabbed a bag with a torch and compass and just waited.”

The couple, who run travel website arrived back in the UK on Wednesday.
And they have been overwhelmed by the generosity of their loved ones in their time of need.

Mrs Tryon said: “You hear all the cliches but what I will take from this is that you choose to survive. As soon as you don’t you will do something stupid and not look for the options.

“On a personal level there will never be a moment I won’t believe in God again.
"It was minutes between Peter praying when the boat sinking before it became lodged in the reef.
"There were so many moments where it shouldn’t have been OK but it was.”


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