Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A 20-Year-Old Man Trapped In A Child's Body

      The man trapped in a boy's body

Meet the 20-year-old man who is trapped in a child's body due to an extremely rare genetic disorder that stopped him from fully growing weeks after he was born.

Stuart McKechnie from Adelaide is regularly mistaken for a little boy because of his short stature and his inability to walk or talk.  
He was born four weeks early in September 1995 and was healthy until he stopped putting on weight after several weeks.
Stuart was diagnosed with 'failure to thrive' after doctors discovered a calcification spot on his brain, but his actual disorder wasn't diagnosed until 2008

'Stuart got a scalding burn and spent 20-odd weeks in hospital - that's when they did an in depth look,' his father Glen told Daily Mail Australia.
He was subsequently diagnosed with Johanson-Blizzard Syndrome - a rare and potentially fatal genetic disorder that impacts a person's organs. 
Physical effects of Stuart's disorder means he is only 115 centimetres tall and weighs just 20 kilograms.

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